———— Note: Most Assets were from the Unreal Engine Marketplace or free assets off of Sketchfab.

InnoSpace - Breakdown

(This project was a group project where I was a Development Lead & Tech Artist. I will be covering the areas I worked on.)

Problem: To Create a modular system for spawning the miniature furniture assets as a UI element.

In this Widget BP, clicking a furniture asset button triggers a custom event that spawns the actor at a marked location relative to the player. The furniture static meshes are in an array, and the button clicked determines which asset is selected and sets the static mesh.

Problem: Make a system for having the miniature furniture accurately linked to the same asset in full scale in full space.

In this BP, when the miniature model is grabbed, a full-scale version spawns. After it's dropped onto the floorplan, its location is normalized. Ensuring the real-space asset matches the miniature's position on the floorplan, maintaining spatial accuracy between both.

Problem: Make a system for spawning assets onto the wall (such as paintings) and having them linked to a miniature version of them in the floorplan space.

For this BP, I set the wall-mounted asset's location. On tick, a line trace by channel hits from the back, setting both full-scale and miniature assets at the hit location. The miniature location is normalized. Tick is enabled “on grab” and disabled “on dropped” for optimization.

Problem: Make a frosted glass material for the UI planes that are going to be in front of the user.

This material aims to replicate frosted glass, designed not to be affected by light as it's a UI element. A Fresnel node creates a white emissive to simulate edge shine, while a spiral blur is applied to the opacity to mimic the blurred effect characteristic of frosted glass.